
Presenter: Abhit Bhandari


We’ll be looking at, among other things, how to efficiently integrate our R code (and the figures, tables, etc. we generate) and LaTeX when writing papers. We’ll be using Sublime Text 2 as our LaTeX editor, and I’ll be demonstrating some neat things you can do with it. Here are some links to things that you should have downloaded on your system before Friday’s seminar if you don’t have them already. If you have any problems, Gosha and I will be circulating at the beginning of the workshop on Friday to help people get all set up.

  1. Sublime Text version 2.0.2
  2. If you’re on a Mac, Skim PDF viewer. If on Windows, Sumatra PDF viewer
  3. The LaTeXTools plugin for Sublime Text. The plugin’s GitHub page has some very useful documentation. To install LaTeXTools, we’ll first need Package Control. Code and instructions for Package Control’s installation can be found on this page. We’ll also go over this at the beginning of the session in case there’s any confusion. In general, though, try to go through your OS-specific instructions (at the top of the GitHub documentation) beforehand.